As it appears that the number of comments left on this site is dependant on new material, I though it best to add something in order to get a few of the beloved comments. Plus I do feel bad that after such a productive blog week last week, I've not touched it for a while - no doubt it must be becoming as disappointing as looking at Mez's blog every day :) (I plead work-related stress, as I have just started a new project, which was not in the best shape when it came to me, and I find myself still tapping away at the keyboard till 8pm at night... so the thought of doing anything but eating ans sleeping when getting home is not on. Sorry mr blog.).
Anyway - blah, blah, excuse, excuse - here are a few of the random thoughts
- Lachy's blog is hysterical
- The YouTube fascination continues, to the point where after watching everything Will Ferrell, CHristina Aguilera and Boonie, I found a recent clip of Mr. Damien Leith singing his heart out on AUstralian Idol (VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!). Good stuff, happy to be plugging him - HOWEVER I was even more delighted to catch a few seconds of Al and Al cheering raptuously from the audience! Nice hair Webbie!
- Parents ETA at Heathrow is next Tuesday, 6am
- Then off to Bordeaux, France with them for a long weekend. Went ot a doctor to get a letter that said it was ok for me to fly 'in my condition', which apparently makes life A LOT easier at the airports - only to have to pay $10.50 for it!?!?
- I dont know whether it is the hormone speaking here, but I found the photos of TOm Cruise's baby stupidly cute.
- Have signed-up for a number of baby club things such as Huggies and Pampers, purely in order to get £1 vouchers off nappies. In their attempt to solidify my patronage, they have started sending me 'Pregnanct Updates' detailing what should be happening to me/the baby during this particular week. WHIch is quite nice. Only worrying thing is that today they both sent me "29 Weeks" email, although I could have sworn it was only 28 weeks. So I have either stuffed up the maths somewhere or I lost a week somewhere as they have raced by or the people af Pampers and Huggies deliberately like to confused the addled Pregnant minds. Whilst I favour the latter reason, it is probably more likely that one of the first two are correct.
- I finished 'Midnight's CHildren' by Salman Rushdie. Hurrah! Currently racing through Zadie Smith's 'On Beauty'
- I GOT MY LAPTOP TODAY AND IT IS WAITING AT DAVE'S OFFICE FOR ME TO PICK IT UP AND IT IS PROBABLY THE MOST EXCITING THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME IN A LONG LONG LONG TIME...(after the baby of course....though only just). SO for that very reason, I must go. But I go with the promise that there will be no more excuses as to quiet periods on htis blog.
- Oh - and Happy Birthday to Rach. I dont think she ever looks at this site, so maybe someone can tell her I thought of her, but in line with this horror week of work, I'm jet to even acknowledge that I forgot it last week. Blame Dave. He's your brother and should know better. Crap brother.....ahhh... I will do something better about this.
-Did I mention the computer? MUST GO!!!!