Sunday, September 24, 2006

Bump Progress: Week 30

Well, I can't begin to describe how hideous I am currently finding photos of myself, simply for the pudge which now surrounds my piggy eyes, hides any suggestion of cheekbones and drips down past my jawline to create a mini-jowel.

Similarly, I'm perplexed that when I started this series of photos I referred to it as a 'bump'... This shows a lack of forsight on my behalf.. for the word 'bump' has cute and friendly connatations, mustering an image of a dear little pot-belly. The state we currently find it in would be much better described as a 'keg' or perhaps, as my 'whale section'. These words give a much better idea as to the sheer size of it, as well as impact on my day-to day life.

Anyway, bitching aside, I know you people like these sort of photos and I am increasingly weakened to the whims of my few readers. No doubt you will all pretend that the blurred fatty smudge which is now my face is 'glowing' or 'beautiful'. Well, georgia andyway. The rest of you are not so nice.

Thankfully Dave thought to keep my swollen, hobbit-like ankles from your snickering eyes.


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Me said...

don't be so hard on yourself, you look lovely :-)

Anonymous said...

oh heather, with all honesty you don't look bad at all... you just look pregnant. can't believe how big your tummy is!! Wish I was there to give my darling waddler a nice back rub, and a pepermint foot massage.
Good luck sweet one for the next few weeks to come and I'm sure you do look 'radiant'...

Love Nadsie

Verity Slee said...

bloody bageebies.... you sure are one sexy preggies chic. Feather- you look incredible. That doesn't mean I forgive you for doing all of this on the other side of the globe grrrr. I wish I was there with you my love. YOU LOOK F"IN BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your bump looks GLORIOUS.

brammers said...

Heather, I am going to have to agree with the other commentors. You look great and It looks like a bump to me... (maybe a big bump, but there is a baby in there)... It does not look like a keg or a wale section AT ALL.. and talking of hobbits, I can post a picture of my hairy legs on my blog if it makes you feel better, (I have recently starrted waxing after 15 years of shaving... you can imagine... oooo no! best not...)

Heather Anders said...

You people are so predictable.

This morning I had to change the top I was wearing becuase the the puffy sleeves were cutting of the circulation to my arms.

It was a maternity top as well.

Anonymous said...

Puffy sleeves are so in at the moment. Haven't you seen Napolean Dynamite enough times, all you need to do is a bit of home handy work and those puffy sleeves will turn heads. ROOWWWR.

Anonymous said...

tis my first entry on the blog, thought I should get with the plan seeing as I was being given the odd "talking too" by The Heather. Plus my excuses were wearing thin.
You look great!
That isnt my top is it?? .....
Nah you look great.
Stop being so dramatic, just wait till when you cant even see your hobbit feet!
X Livvy

Anonymous said...

Glowing and beautiful! I am way jealous, you look amazing and are making me feel terribly clucky. As for hobbity ankles, try going out with a hobbit (a.k.a Adrian Whitehead). Then you'll be laughing on the other side of your face. All he wants to do (and I am quite serious) is buy a hill so we can dig a house into it. Sigh. It's just not it? Love seeing your photos, amazing blog updates of late..keep it coming Heather.
More photos, more photos! xx

Anonymous said...

1. As confucious said

" Whatever, Heather"

2. There are freaky dudes on the internet with pregnant hobbit fetishes who all appreciate your photos as there isnt a lot of porn for them. Not that I would know.

3. You can't spell bump or MILF without an "M". Coincidence, I think not.

dan said...

what kind of creature are you??????
ways to avoid whale section/bump:

join convent.
cross legs.
say no dave, no!