Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bordeaux, France

I don't even know where to begin describing how awful I find this photo of myself. However seeing as Dave and the wine bottles look nice, and I'm looking pretty much on par in the rest of the photos, it will have to do.

Back home in London. Phew! Even though I had three people to split my baggage (literal and emotional) between, I found everything so tiring that I'm suprisingly happy to be back here. Won't write much on it now seeeing as Dave has gone for a run and both mum and dad want to use the computer before he comes back. THis is hte point where it would be nice to have a second computer, but we don't want to bring that one up. Not at work tomorrow, so unlikely to have the opportunity to write anything till Tuesday (which is Wednesday for you aussie bunnies).

So a few thoughts and I'm off:
-I am fine now - virus cleared up over a couple of days adn was mostly fine for France.
- Go the Crows.
- What the hell happened to Emilio Eztevez? Recent photos of him make me wan to weep. I was going to marry him.
- Georgia is the original blog fan, and it was sheer insanity for me not to have mentioned it (Although I have recently been getting weird emails from Lachy saying little more than 'I love blog!' and ' Ive checked your blog 10 times today' So the shout out there was becasue I worry about his stability.
- Laura is also obviously an avid fan. Laura comments can be found, without fail, after most news posts, on almost every blog I link to. Obsessed.
- FINALLY - I have noted that in my ansense, no blog was updated which leads me to infer that all my friends write purely for my amusment. Bless.



Anonymous said...

thats better.

I love this photo of you two.

don't be a sily billy.

can't wait till wednesday!!

you better write.


Anonymous said...

he he he...
I think it's fuuunnnniiii
not your sexiest moment, but definately very cute

The General

Anonymous said...

Very avid fan of all things bloggy, including cute photo. And I want to give my online hugs to the General, who has no blog (like me, a blogless wonder) but who also exists in cyber space through comments, just like me. Although if the General is someone other than Nadine, I probably take the hug bit back. Keep the blog sphere blessed with your presence Heather, i am loving it.

Heather Anders said...

Perhaps I was too harsh on myself. I mean - really - a thin pigment mustache is only fitting for a trip to France. And those boobs are impressive to say the least, and whilst the photo hints at the sheer girth of me, careful editing has stopped it being too apprent.

Yes. The General = Nadine. It is a little known fact that war-fanatics Tony and Joan actually christened her 'The Nadsmeister General' and she later legally changed it to 'Nadine' in order to fit into Adelaide society. Only safe in the ranks of BAE and Engineering secret societies does she use her old name.

Anonymous said...

My my my .... hasn't the General suddenly come up. All part of my master plan to take over your blog, as I am way to lazy to make my own... plus, I am way to boring... my blog would read BLAH.
Heather you forgot Esquire on the end of of my title.
The General
(Cuddles to you Laura, and rest assured, The General is not some reitired VIET VET, typing away with all these young girls, no-pants on of course...)