Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Don't Worry

you are in the right place. I just took notice of what this blog is called for the first time in ages - 'the world according to heather'. Blah blah blah. Crap name. Something rushed out 5 years ago with little thought for originality and largely resultant from having recently read that Garp book. Although it's replacement is hardly clever (one word being substituted for it's close profanity) and only representitive of the my current (pretty unsuccessful) pastime. Suggestions are welcome.  Although none with the word Heather in it will be taken seriously. And worry not, content is unlikely to change. No threat of a re-vamp. Did you not read the post below about low motivation?!? I'm suprised I even did this. Perhaps add self-loating to that list.

Update my photos? ...Why dont you update yours? Oh wait. You dont have a blog now, do you? Nuff said.

Perhaps just add loathing to the list.

I'm sorry. My children wake at 6am. I find it hard to be good humoured in the face of such torture.

An attemp at good-humourt: Other possibilities for blogname:

- 3 boys and a Raving Banshee
- Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot
- What I got, I gotta Get, and Put it in You.
- The Increasingly Crap Blog
- Blah Blah Blah. Me Me Me. Vomit. (next to an image of vomit)
- I hate Golf
- The Home of Poo Presents.
- Ramblings of a Hermit
- What? Well where's YOUR Blog?
- Scraping The Bottom Of the Mummy Blog Barrel
- Why yes, a glass of red DOES sound delightful!
- The Anti-Procreation Blog.
- The Anti-Golfer Blog
- Don't give your partner a couple of golf-related books for Christmas, lest you pique his interest in a relatively latent desire and he creates a 'life-goal' and decides to try to break par in the next year. That would be stupid. Really Stupid.
- How much porn is too much?
- Diary of an Amazon addict.
- The Vampire Diaries is lame. It has no redeeming features. So Why can't I look away?
- Master of No Universe.
- Almost 40.
- Which Part of NO Did You Not Understand?

Thats all I got. And my glass is empty. Refill!

So please, comment away. Knock yourselves out.

Did i spell whisperer right? No doubt Mez will enlighten.

Over and Out.


Mezzle said...

H Bomb: The Unleashing.

Beth said...

Um...why even bother to suggest when your third option is CLEARLY the winner.

B said...

Although I couldn't agree with these two more: 'Diary of an Amazon addict' and 'The Vampire Diaries is lame. It has no redeeming features. So Why can't I look away?' - does Damon's hottie hotness not count as a redeeming feature though?!? So HOT.

I'm personally rather taken with "My glass is empty. Refill!" which wasn't one of your suggestions per se, but works as a lifelong status/mantra.

You rock Miss Heather, keep doing what you're doing. x

Beth said...

How about "Third Time's a Girl, I promise". Or a variation of it:

"Third Time's a Girl...finger's crossed"
"If there is a God, third time's a girl"
"Gotta Get a Girl"
"Girl Power Nation"

...okay, that last one sucks.

This is fun! I'll have a glass of wine tonight and come up with some others :)

Heather Anders said...

oh buff. you just cant help yourself, can you? NO MORE BABIES.

but i do actually like the girl power one, for no other reason than it's absurdity.

Bec - Damon - SO hot. Probably the only good thing in it. All the other actors are lamer than lame town. But I always loved him in Lost. Not suprising. Oh - and if you want Glee back, send me your address. I have a ga-zillion TV series and movies on my lovely lovely terabyte of external harddrive. I am a downloading slut.

Verity Slee said...

I like the direction Buffy is heading. What about... should have called at least one of my boys Verity! Then everything would be ok xx I have a blog... ever thought my blog name was crap? No you wouldnt cos you wrote the fucking thing xo

Beth said...

Come to think of it Verity, Heather created my blog too.....perhaps it's time for me to change it's name. Perhaps that will be my inspiration to start anew...

Okay, so it's down to:

"Shoulda named one Verity"
"Girl Power Nation"

Unless you can think of something better. Which, let's face it, is going to be IMPOSSIBLE.

B said...

Heather - I will name my unborn children for you if you could send me Glee. I'll send you a private message on fbook with my address. Fan mail, gets out of hand otherwise you know.

Anonymous said...

Gold... I love all those titles :o)
Can you list them all???

Me said...

Hmmm, decisions decisions... the name you chose works well, me thinks its from a delusional moment of sleepless insanity (desire for sleep preferably on sheets)... its not something I personally am looking forward to, the lack of sleep bit.

As for my own blog...names are beyone me, but its only a matter of time as we indeed are no longer Tourists on the weekend...though we went to the Barossa yesterday - does that count?

Kirstin said...