Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Back. From Outer Space.

Well back home in London and pretty much adjusted to the old routines. But a bout of child vomiting, copious housework and almost zero general motivation has led me to all but forget that I have this little old blog. Indeed I have nothing to say other than yes we are all alive. Oh and that the weather is awesome. Darkness now falls at 6pm and we have had 3 days on the trot of 10 degrees plus and sunshine. Whilst no doubt things will occassionally relapse into hideous coldness in the next month or two, spring is most definitely on it’s way. Another London winter survived.

Nean’s wedding was an absolute blast. She looked INCREDIBLE and there were many touching moments so perfect of such an occasion. I managed to remain sober enough to mumble my way through a speech late in the evening and then released myself onto the dance floor. The night went far too fast and I want to do it all over again. I LOVE weddings, please invite me to yours, I won’t let you down on the dancefloor. I met some fabulous new people which I pretty much plan on stealing from Eleanor and calling them my own and the few child-free days down at Aldinga were a treat. Unfortunately I did not take any photos due to flower holding responsibility, but I hope to steal a few from Kate when she has finished touching them up to levels of offensive beauty.

Otherwise all is well. I am fighting my way through a busy patch catching up on pile of work thrown to the wayside over the past month and other family-related obligations. BUT have a few exciting things on the horizon which my parents coming over in a month and a trip to Amsterdam with the Mez and Buffy at the end of April (which some of you might already be wanting us to shut the hell up about – POLER-DAM!!!!). And in something of a shocking turn of events, Dave will be coming with us!! Which besides one night at a wedding last year, will be the first time the both of us have been without children for a couple of nights!In Amsterdam – three cheers for Roy and Sue!

Anyway – the tasks and errands I mention above need a good seeing to and children due to wake any minute. It’s good to be back, more soon I promise.


Beth said...

HUZZAH!! The Hez'ster is back!! Your resurgence is inspiring...perhaps I shouldn't let down my ol' blog. And as for those who are sick of us talking about it....SOD 'EM! POLAR-DAM!! POLAR-DAM!! POLAR-DAM!! Just over 1 month to go! EEK! I just weed a little....

Alex and Alex Aranchikov said...

YAH - welcome back. I have no idea why youse are all calling it polerdam when it is amsterdam, but I'll leave ye all to you little "in joke".

Please post pics of the wedding post-haste. I am a wedding freak also, and want bridal action and wedding detail shots.

So if you are going to Holland at end of April, when back to OZ?!? Hopefully prior to around 17-ish June, although given I'll be waddling around town til at least 17-ish August, then anywhere during that time would be acceptable. Earlier the bestter of course.

Me said...

good to have you back in blog land...my days on here are numbered sob sob, as no one will want to hear my boring tales of lack of tourist visits on the weekend... L

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you are back safely

brilliant news that dave is going with you.! what fun.

x o x