Saturday, September 13, 2008

I am aware that - on the other hand - some of these are not very funny at all.

Perhaps I should have called this 'I'm aware that - on both hands - some of these are not funny at all....if your name is Dave'.
Cos I was all like 'Hey Dave, look at the funnies I put on myblog' and he was all like (in order of comic)
'I dont get it? Is she dead? Why is she dead? Did he kill her - is that funny?'
'.... I dont get it. Is he a robot?'
'... (sheepish smile)Nup. dont get it. Was the car driving on the wrong side of the road or something?'
'Ha. Ha'
'Whats he doing to the woman in the last picture? Oh. I get it. Ha ha'
By which point I'm laughing lots and lots and suggested that we had totally different senses of humor. To which he defensively replied 'But I got the Jesus one.'


Anonymous said...

Hello Huther
Ok, so I am a lazt bastard when it comes to Blogging and the like, but dont stop yours. I cant imagine life without your blog, its the only way I know whats going on over London way.
By the way the cartoons rock..
I hope all is well.
XX Lachy

Anonymous said...

don't stop blogging heather, your blogs often brighten up my toddler dominated days!!!

Beth said...

In internet cafe in Pushkar. Holy city. Me, laughing ass off like a crazy person. extreme heat + no food + non-stop complaining travelling companion = me losing mind. Dave is awesome. More "Dave-ism's" please.

Anonymous said...

I love that term... "Dave-ism" that's a total stayer! Kinda like mere-male from womans wekkly only more... well... Dave-like.
I have to angree with him on the comics though... HUH????... no idea???
XX Nadsie