Friday, September 12, 2008

Baby Steps

I often face down a blog entry as though it's a bit of a chore - because often it is. I seem to have such huge plans on what I might write that I assume that I need a good hour to sit down and get them out properly. So I leave it till later. And then later again.

Eventually I've realised that as a mother of 2, if I take this road, this blog is dead. (plus the fact that only 2 people read this blog so I best just get over myself). So I'm going to try to keep things rolling by adding silly little pointless updates like this one.

Cant stop watching: Gavin and Stacey (BBC Series)
Cant stop listening to: Elbow
Can't stop drinking: earl gray
Can't stop eating: handfuls of Fred's popcorn.
Can't stop looking at: Damn online book/movie/music shops. You kill my time!!
Can't stop swooning over: Rocco's asleep face
Can't stop laughing at: Fred on all 4s trying to drink water from a rain puddle
Can't stop worrying about: an imminent flight to San Fran with Fred on my lap
Can't stand: Katy Perry kissing a girl piece of shit song being everywhere
Can't wait for: Heroes. Season 3.
Can't believe: the vast quantities of people that will vote Republican.
Can't understand: how it is that my friends are having babies and getting married. It's all so terribly grown up. Didn't we just spend last Sunday swimming naked at West Beach watching the sun rise ?

Just had a visit from Kym Kelly (with a sackful of gifts, thank you Ann and Kezza) and he became the second person to suggest that Mama Mia was good fun. Which confuses me as I had already decided that it would be somewhere in the ballpark of Mr Hollands Opus. And therefore openly derided. MIND YOU he did give me Ender's Game (Sci Fi book? WTF?) so maybe he's losing his touch.

And there you have it.

And you can have this:

1 comment:

p.j.r said...

Wait - San Fran? When!?
Time for a visit from a Vancouverite at all?? Do tell do tell!!