Sunday, April 13, 2008

I lie! I lie!

OK. So I spent a bit of time yesterday on updating this blog (parts of which had been languishing since the mid-80s) and re-introduced the 'What I'm Reading' picture on the right. And to be honest, The Road by Cormac McCarthy is not actually what I'm currently reading. Truth beknownst, I finished it almost three weeks ago. BUT it just happens to be the BEST book I have read in a long time and a book I just can't. get. out. of. my. head. I think about it so much, I might as well be reading it still. So I thought it only fitting that on my return to the blogosphere I give it some dues for a few days. Big it up for the few of you out there who actually still look on here and coindicently find yourself between books and in need of a recommendation.... Not likely, eh? Ahhhhh bugger it! The TRUTH is - like EVERYTHING on this blog- It's for me! All me! I'm my number 1 fan and no-one delights in seeing what I'm up to more than MEEEEE! So if I log in here and see that I'm reading The Road then it will make ME happy. Because even though it is by far and away the bleakest novel I have ever read (though strangely uplifting) I am very sad at the fact that having read it, I will never get to discover it again.

So if you get the chance, read The Road. It's short, captivating and beautifully written. It won the Pulitzer Prize in 2007 (A Big Deal) and was one of hte few books selected that year for Oprah's Book Club (Even Bigger Deal).
Here's a photo (or three) of Georgia and Pete getting 'papped' in Adeliade recently. Whilst G is obviously a stand-out, it's Pete's expression I find increasingly amusing..


Anonymous said...

I would have commented before but my computer doesn't like the pop up commment box.

I love the 'britney britney'

You are doing so well with your blog! well done.

write me asap.

p.j.r said...

Yay! I'm glad you are back in blog world.
If my days weren't surrounded by washed up rap stars and cocky NFL football stars I would have more time to write myself. But hearing about your life is much more fun (and so much easier to do after a 13 hour day)

I do wish there were belly updates though. I enjoyed those.

Anonymous said...

I had to write on here because the other one wouldn't let me.
very good blogging babe.
although you have dropped the ball on freddy's 1 picture a day promise.
why do you set those high expectations?
anyway, i have no more photos to blog and my life if extreemly boring. will try to do something exciting to write about asap.
ps- more more more.

Me said...

I love your blog...but I must admit...I am the first to read, and be very chuffed with my own!!! hehhee L