Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Meet Jo Hawkins

It just doesn't stop. Almost ever week, I introduce a new blog here. Which is just brilliant as Blogs are in my top 5 favourite things ever.

Today's blog is one that is particularly exciting. And not just because she refers to my blog as 'World-Famous' (did I mention how smart and savvy Jo is?), but becuase where Jo is and what she is doing is a world away from any other blog I link to.

For a bit of context, Jo (nee Black) is an old friend of David's, who for the majority of 2005 lived a stone's throw from us in London with (her now husband)Matt. Their wedding was our reason for returning to Adelaide in Feb this year. Since then, Jo (eye doctor extrordinnaire) and Matt (writer/producer/lecturer) have been living in Ghana. The monthly emails have had some pretty 'far-out' stuff in them about life in Africa but she has struggled to be able to succesfully send photos. Which is the reason for the blog. The photos are absolutely INCREDIBLE (as is her take on Ghana). Which, if she hadn't in a previous email detailed a few travel weeks with disasterious bowel-related consequences, would definately make me want to go there.

So you know what to do - link is on the right - or simply click here. Go now. It is good.


Me said...

brilliant pics on Jo's site...:-)

Beth said...

Well, I've given in. It's taken some time, but my blog is up and running. Kinda. I published my second post tonight, the first one being back in February. Yikes! I just wanted to let you know, since you were the inspiration behind it, really. There's more to come!! Mwa-hahaha....
By the way, how much do I wish to live the life of Jo and Matt??!? Holy...absolutely amazing.