Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daytrippin: Instow.

Another daytrip, this one to Instow (see map below) the place that you see from the Appledore quay and accordingly the best place to see Appledore from. Much like Appledore, but smaller and somewhat less chariming, there is not much to the town so the brief stop included nothing more than a run on the beach. This day, like many in recent times, was co-o-o-o-old. Not good when your eldest had taken to throwing both pairs of mittens and a hat into the murky waters on previous days (he thought it hilarious, and he was sort of right. I mean – what are you gonna do?!? Seeya gloves!). Although we did manage to get the hat back as the tide was out and it amazingly landed on the very edge of the steep steps leading from the quay to the water below making it simple for Dave to retrieve. However not so fortunately for Dave, the port etc had gone to his head (as this episode took place on Christmas day) and he decided to try to get the gloves from the spot a few metres on where he estimated Fred threw them. NOW. A normal person would recognise that the black, wet-looking silt/clay that lay at the base of the steps is for the most part covered in masses of water and therefore best be tested before....you get the idea. It still cracks me up to think of Dave’s woozy voice coming up from the darkness below (it was about 4pm, so dark in these parts) exclaiming ‘Oh no! Hezzie! Oh no! Hezzie! Oh no!... I’m sinking, ...my shoes! ... my shoes.....Oh no.... *silence*.... that was not the best idea’.

Where was I? Oh Instow. These are the pics from our 10 min jaunt on the beach.

there be appledore. Fred bolts for the water.

there be rocco overload in this post. Partly becuase they ran in different directions and I'm slower than Fred, but mostly becuase dear god he is one cute little button.

for the first time ever, Rocco did not attempt to eat the sand.

da and fred


all the ligertwood boys.

rocco is going through a ball phase. he is NUTS about them. if he sees one (and he is ALWAYS looking) he simply must have it.  which made this situation somewhat difficult.

that red jumper in hte fa distance is one of 2 guys kicking a ball. Rocco not only ran from the car to join them (and held his own) but on our return to hte car dissolved into a back-arching tantrum and had to be carried for almos the entire istance. We put him down when were were almost back to the car thinking that he would have forgotten about the ball.... apparently not....


Alex and Alex Aranchikov said...

hats and jeans..........those ligertwood boys are blessed with the most adorable hats and jeans its outrageous!

Soooooo, when are you going to post the pics of Dave crying "Hezzie" as he sinks....now those are the ones we of the land of blog really wanna see.


Anonymous said...

He he he.... Nadsie XX

Beth said...

BWAAAHAHAHAHHAHHHAHA!! Dave...sinking.....hurts....from laughing.......aaahahahahahhahaaa!!

..*sigh*...and Al, I agree. Those boys are uber cool. I love Rocco's baggy jeans. Super high fashion. And the touques (beanies)!!! LOVE them!!

More. Please.

wendy&bob said...

Ahh Instow, freezing cold. Hmm sounds about right. We live just off the beach and are currently traveling around Asia but I spotted this on Google about our home town.

You are right, not too much to do in the winter but plenty of fishing and sailing in the spring and summer and a couple of good local pubs.

Enjoy your holidays.

Bob n Wendy