Monday, July 27, 2009

Outta Here!

Just a quick one to say that tomorrow we move out of Highshore Road and.... into Highshore road. Yes, we are moving 4 doors down. A great stroke of luck seeing as we love our location. The downside is, due to the place not being available immediately we have to go on holiday for a week. After that is is going to take some time to get internet up and running, I imagine a few weeks so once again there will be some silence here.

Oh well. Sure y'all used to it by now.

Must go. Ridiculous amount of packing to do.


Alex and Alex Aranchikov said...

Good luck lovely! Damn - holidays again. Shite! France, perhaps?! ;)

We look fwd to seeing lots of pics of your new digs once you move in.

Much love from Kiwi-land xx

Verity Slee said...

wohoa- good work on the new pad Feather.... xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

great news!

what a relief.

poor you for having to go on holiday!

hee hee.

have a great time.


Anonymous said...

plus we blogged the same thing on the same day!

Anonymous said...

most ridiculous turn of luck re: holiday. Is school holidays over here so everything is booked to the hilt nad trying to get anything at anything under the typical friday to friday would be impossible. Which is here Ginny nad her great friends Julie and John came to the rescue. They live in London but have ht emost amazing cottage just outside of Oxford in the pretty pretty countryside. This place is SENSATIONAL (plus it has the internets!) and we are so so so lucky to have them swoop in and save us from the streets. WIll def take lots of pics as this place is quinessential thached english countryside....


Beth said...

Have a jolly good time, H!

Can't wait for the updates!

And just for the record, I will never get used to the radio-silence. It's understandable...happens to the best of us (as she sheepishly shrugs her shoulders)....



Laura said...

Woo hoo! Well done heather, very excited for you. Make sure you have tea and crumpets in the English countryside, with lashings of orangeade. Yum! And then moving around the corner - hey, if you have to move, around the corner is ideal. Look forward to hearing more about it. oxox

Anonymous said...

H, getting bored with this post!! Update please :)

XX Nadsie

P.s. Thankyou for your lovely email, nothing new with me. I work, I catch the bus... nothing new to report :o)