Sunday, July 05, 2009

The Footers in London

Below are a few pictures taken from a month or so ago when Mark, Amy, Max and Ned came to stay.

walkin' in Peckham

i suspect you can pick Max from a mile away.

Mark: the least gay.

i tried to arm myself with a few Max projects before he arrived. One was planting these flowers.

and these. they were all planted within 20 minutes of arrival.

is my hair ok?

whadda ya looking at?

Peckham Rye train station. Respect. Off to a day at the Science Museum.

as I have a boy who has zero sense of danger, I could not comprehend Amy's relax-ed-ness. I considered handcuffing them to my pram simply to put my worried mind at ease.

The Water Park. Fred's heaven on Earth.

although the smallest child by a mile, Fred held his own. Other kids tried to muscle in. Those kids are now missing limbs.

Big Boy Max makes sure all the little boys are happy, picking up Rock's toy (aka packet of parsely) whenever he dropped it.

hot chocolate number 7. NOT to be drunk before long haul flights ever again.

classic max.

more classic max.

classic dave pose.

amy gives a few pointers on taking photos....

...but the stance is alllll max.

Ned without a daytime nap and suffering jet lag. All too much :(

construction site for the shard over London Bridge station. HUGE and busy. Impossible to get Max to walk away from.

don't even think about leaving before we see what that digger does...

Foots cooked an amazing roast duck in celebration of Dave's 40th. Don't ask about the wine.

Happy cousins.

Not so happy Rock.

Let me recommend Crunchie Bar Ice Creams as a reward for boys who eat ALL ther dinner.


Alex and Alex Aranchikov said...

Great pics - such boys they are are - rough and tough! Need a few girlies in the mix. C'mon Heather, it must be about that time again :)

Beth said...

A) I would like to ask about the wine.

B) What fabulous pictures. Words cannot express how much joy I get from this blog.

C) Al is right: you need to make a girl. But not before Poland, please.

Anonymous said...

cool fun!

all those boys boys boys!
