Saturday, January 03, 2009

Behold: A List of Good!

Whilst I appreciate that there are a numerous holidays, kid-related stories and thousands of pictures that require urgent blogging, ive been inspired by this so will instead write a few plans I have.

I’ve never done resolutions before, and I sort of loathe to think of these as such a thing, as they are simply things I would like to do now, in 2 months time in 2 years time. Things to work toward, things I would like to one day do. So lets begin.

- Blog more. Duh.

- Detail exactly what I've got on the 30 hours of video footage I've taken over the past 10 years and do something with it. This is directly related to:

- Get christmas presents organised early.

- Watch more movies. Between juggling two babies and a boyfriend who refuses to watch anything longer than 45 minutes, I’m lucky to watch two in a month. I love them and the list of ones to watch is spiraling out of control.

- Enjoy being a mother more. This dependency is brief and inimitable. Quit bitching over the daily five sinks of dishwashing and inescapable double-action crying sessions. It’s all good.

- Cook more. Impossible you say! True. Maybe cook better. From cookbooks. At least once a week use one of the 261 cookbooks you own and enjoy creating something you’ve never done before. Oh. And cook a roast at least once a week. Easy as fck and probably the nicer than anything from the fancy cookbooks.

- Be less reactive. Be ‘Slow and Low’ in how I answer back when Dave is annoying. Which is 87% of the time.

- Take more pride in wrapping presents

- Be tidier. Which means keeping those cupboards and the utility room in order.

- Do photo albums and put a few pics up in frames.

- Be more attentive to those I love outside this little house. Remember their birthdays for a start. Happy Birthday Buff (yes, it’s today) Happy Birthday Lachy (yes, it’s his birthday already in his corner of the world).

- Buy less crap. Or if you are going to buy crap, give the other unused crap to the charity shop.

- Listen to music more. In our current house, and with two babies sleeping at various times, this love has suffered these past 6 months.

- Do more stuff one-on-one with Fred. Find someone to hold Rocco and do amazing things with him like swimming, the library and soft-play gyms. Get 15 hours a week help to achieve this.

- Finish the Spitfire cross-stich (to be explained in an upcoming blog about the week we just spent in Deal, Kent over the New Year)

- When Dave asks if he can go and play golf (again) – don’t frown and make tutting noises. He’s going to do it anyway, you just lose brownie points.

- If one of your friends or family has a baby girl, don’t go too nuts in the girls clothing section of Mothercare.

- Get Fred to brush his teeth without nuclear fall-out.

- Train Fred to walk calmly next to you when out in the neighbourood. Avoid those face-smacking (can a 2 year old self harm?) flat-on-the-asphalt meltdowns when you dare to stop him stepping into oncoming traffic.

- Get Fred potty-trained.

- Teach Rocco to put himself to sleep in his own bed.

- Engage in some sort of regular physical activity in order to get back into clothes which are not maternity clothes. God knows that 3 years is long enough.

- Less reality tv, more documentaries.

- Remember to water the cactus. The only plant I’ve managed to keep alive for longer than 2 months (how is that possible with bothe parents and a sister who are garden obsessives?)

- Plant some flowers and herbs for summer. This time don’t let Fred pull them up.

- Finish the baby books.

- Deal with the masses of seemingly singular socks.

- Get better at understanding wine.

- Learn Golf.

- Deal with the ankle I rolled at the Fringe Opening in 2006. It is still giving me daily grief, it’s probably something that time is not going to heal.

- Get out of the house, sans kids more than once a year. Specifically with Dave, seeing amazing plays and restaurants in London

- Get into a TV series that is slightly more respectable that The Apprentice or Heroes

- Read all the Man Booker Prize winners. Yes, it’s still happening.

- Make Dave read Shantaram.

- See more than just Pete’s show at this years Adelaide Fringe (although obviously see Pete’s show. Twice)

- Get a job. Use brain.

- Less Perez, more

- Tell as many people as possible about the BBC iPlayer. There be Little Dorrit on there.

- Get the camera on my computer working and Skype till they are sick of you.

- Figure out how to get movies/tv onto my iPod

- Watch Warnie’s come out of retirement and help Australia win this year’s Ashes. Seriously. Potentially the only solution?

- Get hair cut different to the one of the past 15 years.

- Take note of the fact that at some point we will no longer live in Europe and we should madly try to see of much of it as we can now.


Beth said...

Wow. You put my resolutions to shame. I agree that you must skype more.

You should add to the list: Instruct Buffy on how to add all of the cool little extras to her blog.

You are the best. xoxo

Anonymous said...

well my resolutions will go up soon too, love the BBC iplayer, hate the fact that it won't work when on the internet from Australia!! doh. Deal, in Kent.... did you go to the Black Douglas? L :-)

Geordy and Pete said...

um. that is an amazing. no pressure on yourself right!

so glad you back to blog. i missed you.
