Sunday, February 17, 2008

slowly getting into the swing...

This past week has been one of highs and lows, most of which are pretty insignificant - but then, that much is to be expected when your dealing with the thoughts of a stay-at-home-mother. Profundity in mediocrity.

Today I had a low with the realization that I am probably due to release Spawn II around the same time as Nicole Kidman. The ensuing 'bump' comparison has been enough to send me down to McDonalds to drown my sorrows in Big Mac fat. Because it has become apparent that since confirming to the world that 'Sex can lead to Pregnancy - EVEN if it's only once', that I have been embracing the 'eat as you please' ethos far too heartily. And I sword to myself that THIS time I would not be that six-month Pregnant woman to whom people repeatedly said 'Ohhh! You must be ready to pop ANY TIME now!!' Yes. Pop you head open with my bare hands. And to soothe my fears, I decided to look back to my last pregnancy photos and instead managed to confirm that right now, at week 17, I am the size I was at week 21. It’s enough to make you eat a tub of Haagen-Dazs ice cream (so I did).

On the up side was reading and watching, via the glory of le internet, the whole sorry day thing. Who knows what it will actually mean in years to come, but after the dark decade of Howard, it is a delight to once again be a part of a country which is finally trying to address our history and problems within in the Indigenous communities and in a positive and respectful manner. Almost makes one proud to be Australian again.

A few pics from xmas day (apologies for not putting more. the new camera we bought saves the images in HUUUUGE files nad it takes a year to upload)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes yes thats it...
now more.
I love the photo of you and fred. cracker.
does that mean you won't be putting any Britney, Britney on?.