Thursday, March 08, 2007

The most amazing thing.

OK. So apparently this is something quite a few people know about, so it's not news to them - but it was an absolute REVELATION to me. Cinema with babies. A cinema where the only people allowed to attend are those with a baby. So you watch the latest movie (today: Hot Fuzz) . Your baby cries? No-one cares. Chances are, their baby will cry too. And you can pretty much find a cinema somewhere in London, on any given day, that is running a ‘Scream Screen’. Today we went to Clapham. Next week: Greenwich. If I have my way, I will be going to this cinema at least once a week with my NCT mums (hi Emma : ) for the rest of Fred’s childhood.

Oh – and if today wasn’t brilliant enough already – Fred laughed. Three times in a row. Month 4 rocks.


p.j.r said...

I can't believe that I didn't think about this - of course, it's perfect for you! (we've got the same thing in Canada and the US, what a great idea eh?)

p.s. If you haven't seen Crash you have to rent it.

Beth said...

Often when I go to the movies here in TOronto they are advertising for the mommy and baby movie days. i think it's a brilliant idea!! It's important to expose young Fred to culture early on. He'll wind up even more brilliant than is he is already destined to be. So...any plans on a stop over this time??

Anonymous said...

Der brains Heather! As a cinema-worker from way, way back (try 8 years. Oh my god) I have known for a long time about those "Mums and Bubs" sessions or "cry-Baby sessions" (depending on which cinema you go to). Just don't let Fred defectate or vomit on the seats (the pure horror. I have witnessed it first hand)

Love Pipi
PS: I read your blog all the time. It's funny.
PPS: Fred is so so cute.

Me said...

Yay the special links have changed...thought about this yesterday and today they are new. Love the world press photo ones, especially the idea of the tents for homeless (what a great idea), I went to see them last year somewhere in London.
Lisa :-) (ps might put that link on my site too.)

Beth said...

Brokeback to the Future...pretty much the funniest thing I've watched in a while. And I saw Borat quite recently, so that's saying a lot. Thank you for that, Heather. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.