Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Few Milestones

Well, they are not particualry note-worthy, but it's the small things which are keeping me going at this point, so I though it might be nice to share some of them with you.

- We are now in November. The month of my baby's birth. When people ask 'When are you due?' (which pretty much everyone, including strangers in the elevator, does these days) I can say 'At the end of the month'. This has a much more imminant ring than 'about 4 weeks' and makes me feel powerful in my precarity.

- Today we hit 36 weeks. Which is the home strait anyway you look at it.

-My buffy box arrived late last week. We should ALL be so lucky to get one. It was startlingly large, totally unexpected and quite moving to receive. Inside it was the softest soft monkey the world has ever known (which, I'm sorry Buff - like the Hippo, will have to be mine and not the baby's), a few favourite books from Buffy's childhood (thus startgin baby's introduction to Canadian culture as young as possible, a little jumpsuit, and booties which can only be described as 'canuk-style' (and regretfully, once again, not in my size). Also - and I very much like this one, whilst Dave stared at it dubiously ('I don't get it') was the 'Wheel of Responsibility' which is like a Twister Board Wheel, but instead of colours are evenly divided up into pictures of 'Mum nad Dad' (nappy change? Take it to hte wheel!!) An appropriate photo montage of these goodies amusingly arranged is currently in concept phase. Watch this space.

- Finally, I'm heading into my final 2 weeks of employment. Whilst it is slightly hardcore to be working to 38 weeks, I'm feeling really fine at the moment and my work is lovely enough that they are happy for me to do these final two weeks on a 'How Heather feels' Basis - taking off time here and there as I need it. I will be very sad to leave work, I like the people and the activity and feel slightly nervous about my impending isolation. Eek!! Final day is November 17

- After a day of 17 and a day of 19 earlier in hte week (!!! UNHEARD of!!!) London has snapped into winter, with the last two days being c-o-o-o-o-o-old! Serious face freeze sort of stuff. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, but any part of your body exposed to the elements is brittle and releasing heat in buckets of steam. (Note: I would take this over rain any old day, though). As irony would have it, our boiler died as the snap occurred, leaving us with no heating, and no hot water. Nightmare.

Must go, time for bed.

Below is the the activity gifter to baby by nana. Does not fit adults, but the Hippo loves it. Has more crinkly bits, mirrors, rattles and music than the worlds largest circus.


Beth said...

I am SO glad you finally got the buffy pack...can't wait for the photo montage. I truly had a wonderful time shopping for the occasion. Babies make me so very happy. The only thing I ask in return is that you keep your eye out for performances of Daniel Radcliff in "Equus". It's being hyped all over blog-land, and believe that (along with the birth of your wonderful child!!!) is reason for me to cash in my chips and come visit you for a long weekend. What do you say, old friend?

Anonymous said...

Wow, 36 weeks! That's a really, really long time. Not long now! I can't think of anything else to add along that vein so I will now say:

Damien Leith is incredible! If you didn't see his absolutely beautiful work on Idol the other night, check it out on youtube. My flatmate and I (who do not believe in condoning the ridiculous "touchdown" concept Mark Holden has spurred) were jumping up and fown when he got his unprecedented "Double Touchdown". We just love him.

Sorry I just took up so much space with Idol rants, I'm incredibly sad.

Love Pipi

Heather Anders said...

Buff - I am not sure whether I should be slightly disturbed by your desire to see Harry Potter nekked or happy for the excuse it is for you to travel to London. Hmmm... i'll take the latter. DEFINATELY come here and visit. Though I hardly think that a long weekend will be suffice time.....

Pipi - agreed. Although preferred the 'Message to my girl' from the week before. (Is is sadder to watch AUstralian Idol over youTube? I think so....)

Beth said...

I must say, I'm being very patient waiting for the amusing montage of photos...would it be too much to say that the thought of one day opening your blog and seeing the softest soft monkey spinning the wheel of responsibility is keeping me alive?