Friday, November 24, 2006

MORE reasons to be excited

1. The Alexs storm the Opera House!!

No doubt the Als have been plucking, primping and preening themselves this past week in preparation for their close-up on this week's Sydney-Opera-House-Australian-Idol-Final in order to watch their good mate Mr. Damien Leith storm to victory. And I must admit, that I've never taken too much interest in these programs, never voted before, but thanks to the wonder that is YouTube, I am able to state that I truly think that Mr. Leith is something special and deserves to win. The young Jessica chick is also talented, but a little bit stock-standard. Damien is so different to the typical Idol contestant, in many ways it is amazing to see that Australia has kept him in so long. So hopefully all goes to plan in what deserves to be storybook ending..

2. Toby Makes his YouTube debut

After years of living in Sydney and doing something elusive (to me anyway) it appears that Mr. Toby Stratmann has been doing film, and doing film well. You can see his short film called 'The Relatives by clicking here or by loading the below. I am sure that all ratings and critiques will be well appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant all round...

You wooshed it out your end yet?

Waiting patiently from this end of the world. We love you and your ends.

Tell the doctor that you have stated in your birth plan that your ends must be looked after at all costs.

I will sue other wise my darling heather.

Our thoughts are with you all the time. Hanging on the phone 24hrs now.(not unlike your mum I guess!)

love you.


ps- go Damo!

pps- Toby- your short film is halarious!! Well Done. I especially like the fantastic acting of the drunk mates. They stood out as excellent talent.

Anonymous said...

hilarious movie........ :-) lisa

Heather Anders said...

becasuse its the small things that amuse me, I now wish I had written 'Official Attire of the Alex: Stripes' or something witty like that.

Anyway, just saw the news, Mr Leith stormed it home. Big congratulations ot Webbie, whose lead in the Leith campaign was very impressive. No doubt her and Al are passed out in some trendy corner of sydney whilst their friends try to haul their dead weight off to bed. ANd then Al get the giggles and falls ONto the tent instead of INto the tent... Hmmm.... well thats my experience of them anyway.