Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ample time, no blogs

So here i am, with ample time on my hands lounging at home, and yet no blog entries. Not very promising behaviour, you would think?

On the contrary. Whilst there is a bit of lounging happening, there is simply no time to do a blog. Whilst only 2 days into my retirement, I have not had more than 5 minuts to myself, a 5 minutes which is being wisely used for 'staring vacantly'. As perhaps another downside to working to 38 weeks, I have given myself not much time to get a lot of things done that I so wanted to do before 'the release'. From preparing the hospital bag, to researching car insurance (we bought a car - more on that in the next post) to paying bills and claiming re-imbirsements, to shopping trips to asda to doctors appointments. I could add about 30 more things, which I have done and a further 30 pending. I admit for an able bodied person the list might not amount to much - but as my waddle has slowed to a sloth-like lope, and my energy sits on fever-levels, these things are taking so much time and only serve to sit, niggling in my mind.

But all in all, its lovely to be at home, to be able to sleep in an extra hour: bliss.

And I dont have anything interesting to say, other than how sad I was to read that Robert Altman died yesterday. I've enjoyed so many of his movies, it's sad to think that there will be no more.

Hope everyone is well. Send me an email leave a comment, all thoughts are appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello my darling,
yes we are back into blog land.
I loved your message!
all my thoughts are with you and your love bump.
you are amazing.