Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bump Progress: Week 23

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Anonymous said...

gorgeous girl.
they aren't still your skinny jeans are they????!!!!

Heather Anders said...

i wish. there is now a thick layer of baby between where the button and hole should meet on my skinny jeans. The jeans I am wearing here are maternity jeans. Topshop Maternity. Yeah baby. Always stylin. At the moment about 75% of my wardrobe has been boxed away or moved into 'you're dreamin' piles.

p.j.r said...

well you still look slim to me -i bet you don't even look pregnant from the back!
In fact, the only disconcerning thing in that image is the spiral stair case that you'll have to walk up and down in a few months -maybe you can get one of those wheel-chair lift things that old ladies use. Now that's an image I'd love to see -haha.

Anonymous said...

This is all just a big scam isn't heather... you're not really pregant, your just covering up your unstoppable fetish for cashew nuts (or is that me??). I'm on to you!!!!
No serously you look so amazing, wish I was there to give you a cuddle and make you do funny little jigs (so cute when pregnant people dance around).
Good luck and keep us updated of all news please.
Don't forget, no matter if it;s boy or girl, it's name shall be Nadine....
Love The General

Verity Slee said...

so hot right now, heather so hot right now

Anonymous said...

damn - i reckon my stomach is that big right now!! you look hot honey and glad to hear you are doing well and only slightly more jaded than usual...
love al & al.