Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Wah Wah Wah.

For all you people bitching that the baby bump aint big enough, just let me tell YOU that those photos are from almost 4 weeks ago, and since then I have put on weight with the fury of a fatman living in a country made of lard where fatness is a sign of wealth/prosperity...

.. I dont really understand what I just wrote either...

But the POINT is that I am a fair sight bigger than I appear below. Which is worrying as I'm not even half way yet (hit 18 weeks tomorrow). There are a number of photos confirming htis, but they are all stuck on Olivia's iPod, so hopefully I can rip Dave away from his computer in the next day or so before she leaves, so I can download them and relieve hte baying masses.

All is well here. Managed to mostly sort through all work emails today. I am weel, baby is fine, travels went well - no problems. All in all this whole pregnancy thing is a bit boring, not much to write about. I dont think I'm glowing or anything ridiculous like that. Just getting fatter which is a pretty slow process I can only really measure by what I can still wear without looking ridiculous. Oh - and I have fur covering my stomach and something weird is happening to my bellybutton which could potentially be very disturbing.

Going to meet Olivia, Doon and Kate (Dave's brother and his girlfirend) shortly at the London Eye (the huge ferris wheel opposite the british houses of parliament), then off to Leicester Square/Chinatown for some Chinese. Yum.

Then tomorrow off to Wimbledon for so strawberries, ice cream and Pimms with either Dave (or Olivia if Dave feels like he can't take the day off.... so probably Olivia) for some centrecourt action. Hopefully Ley Ley or someone exciting is playing. Although it looks like all the exciting players have played in the last day or two. We will see.

Must go. Ta ta.

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