Monday, March 06, 2006

In Oz

Well the past few weeks have flown by much quicker than I would have liked and I find myself faced with the prospect that tomorrow is my last day in Australia. For a long time.

And I won't dwell on that too much as there is plenty of time on the plane to do that (Although how well this blasé attitude will hold remains to be seen. Even though we parted with a light-hearted ‘See You Soon’, seeing the back of Lachy’s car caused a sand cloud to sweep through and my eyes watered and my voice sob. And the forecast for random sand clouds is higher than normal).


Well there is a lot to write here and detail required that I don’t have time to put on right now. For example: In Adelaide I have been to a wedding, a football match, to Goolwa, hosted a BBQ, Fringe Nights, Curry nights. Plus there was my whirlwind tour of Canada. PLUS there are the trips to Amsterdam, the Soccer Game etc. etc. I am mighty behind.

Well, when I get back to London with my zero cash, I will resign myself to nights in front of the computer.

Anyway. Its an absolutely incredible day and I’m inside which is not very smart of me. But before I go I just want to give ‘Props’ to a few people that actually look at my website. Because it has become painfully apparent that almost nobody does.

The best people in the world are :

People who I have not mentioned, suck ass more than the suckiest asses in suckland. (Where Ben Seamark is a god). Sure, I would like to not put my father in that category, but hey…. To not live in Suckland you would have to read my blog and it’s pretty apparent that besides those mentioned above, the only time anyone else looks at this site is when there threatens to be photos of themselves on it. Or if there is a potential story about terrorist bombs. You sick, sick people.

(If I have accidentally missed any names of people that do read this site I apologise and if you tell me otherwise I will endeavor to add your name like those illustrious people illustrated above. And I will send you a showbag.)
Anyway – Must Go. Sunshine to catch…