Saturday, April 11, 2009

Resuming Normality

Ok, ok, ok - Neglected blog. I get it. But sheesh people, how has your blog been going lately? Hmmm? Not too well??* I see. Well… I forgive you – you see, I know how sometimes life gets a bit busy and things like a blog can suffer. Particularly when you keep watch over three small boys.

Since we returned home in mid March, I’ve barely had time to check my emails, let alone waffle on about the mundane things here. Things from the past month:

- flight back from Oz was fine. We’re getting pretty good at the whole flying thing. One vomiting episode, but on the whole as good as we could expect. Well, besides the fact that the fckhles at Adelaide Airport decided to CHECK our pram into a container, therefore withhold it from our use until we got though passport control in London. Normally it would be waiting pleasantly for us at the door of the plane. I’m not going to go into details, but I assure you that spending 3 or 4 hours in KL airport carrying 2 tired and cranky kids, 4 bags and a pram attachment is close to my definition of hell. Dave battled on calmly as he witnessed me almost losing my shit as I threatened not to disembark the plane and cry. BUT the flights themselves were as good as one could expect

- I have also been wading through the murky waters of hiring a nanny. Reading cvs, interviewing, checking references. Her name is Issy and she is going to revolutionize my life. She has move into our basement flat (cue mad cleaning, clearing out cupboards and boxing things away into the shed) last week and we have been settling in since then. All seems to be going really well.

- I have had the most wonderful run of houseguests helping me look after the boys and cooking me the most amazing dinners (you stay = you cook and make cups of tea for me). First came Mez and Stu for a few days on their way to c-c-c-cold Scotland, followed closely by Rachel. So, much attention and conversation with these lovelies meant no blogging. Although to be fair, Rachel did go out for lunch on the Monday and didn’t return till Thursday (via Dublin and Edinburgh…. as you do). Another upside of having these guests was that I was able to get permission to go out for Mez’s birthday. In the Evening. No Kids. Drinking involved. Such an even has not happened on English soil since….. welll…. Kieran took Buff, Patricia and I to the millionaires Club in Mayfair 2 years ago… which I think those involved would agree is a tale best left out of the public forum (if only for the incomplete memories).

- I saw the film Twilight. Which I know has y’all scratching your heads as to why this deserves a mention seeing as I had poked much fun at a couple of friends who saw the film and said they liked it. Surely these ladies were closer to 30 than 13!! – I had suggested. How wrong I was to mock!! It seemed to me to be the perfect film to squeeze in in-between calming crying children on a plane and so I did. Little did I realise it would awaken my 13 year old goth self and have me ordering the books from Amazon. I surely was not going to wait 4 years to find out what happened to *sigh* Edward Cullen!!!!! (yes. The hot vampire. I feel your embarrassment). So every spare minute these past two weeks have been spent reading the books. I have been able to do nothing but read them and am relieved to have finished them so I can resume my normal life (Quick review: Not that well written, but and easy-to-read, suspenseful and imaginative plot with it’s finger right on the beating pulse of the average 12 year old girl. Compulsive reading. Yes, as the books progress it gets increasingly unbelievable… but duh. It’s about vampires. )

- The past week has also seen me turn 28 and celebrate 5 years of bliss with La Liggie. As a treat he surprised me with a dinner at Gordon Ramsey’s michelin-starred restaurant in Claridges which was sensational. Such a lovely and unexpected evening.

ANYWAY the upshot is, that hopefully with things calming down, this little corner of the world wide web should become a bit more active in the near future.


*Besides Georgia's of course. I think we will all agree that there is no lack of action there!


Geordy and Pete said...

welcome back.
you make us luagh.

Beth said...

...Buffy exhales....xo

Anonymous said...

28..... man thats old!

Anonymous said...

praise the lord whoot whoot! V xox p.s. updated my blog! .....just kidding but I WILL when I get freakin internet at home ....