Tuesday, December 02, 2008

France = Food

In case it has escaped your attention, we go to France a lot. At least every other holiday we take. And there are a number of reasons for this, but the main one is - you are guarenteed to have an awesome time. I wasn't a huge fan of Paris (well, Parisians anyway) but I promise you, if you get outside the big cities -into rural France - you will have a magical time. Not only does every bend bring you curches and farmhouses hundereds of years old and sweeping vistas of old vineyards, - but you are immersed in an culture that simply lives for life's simplest pleasure: food.

Daily mini-markets for fresh produce, large weekend markets that take over entire town centres, huge supermarkets the size of an ikea store - everywhere you look is food. And the food is of the highest quality (the French would settle for nothing less). Dave and I have never been the party-hard people - so on holiday what piques our fancy is relaxing, comfortable evenings drinking good wine and eating amazing food. And in France 4 years ago I had the most memorable (after this of course) meal of my life which was nothing more than steak and fries in a tiny little non-descript restaurant in the fortified part of Le Mans. I don't know how they did what they did, but i honestly licked my plate when no-one was looking. In fact, that entire trip was an awakening to what food can be (the bread! the bread!)

So when Dave and I start to talk about maybe taking a holiday, it's inevitble that we consider France. And start to salivate when we contemplate going into a Carafour with our emty shopping bags. Below is a taste of our last trip to France in October.

This is the weekend market at St Foy de la Grande, the riverside town we stayed near about 20 minutes west of Bergerac. This market bled through the streets of the old part of the town, far too large for us to get through in the hour and a half we were there.

i think it's a pumpkin.

not quite food, but the ultimate accompniament

Our takings for the day. I couldn't help but lick my computer screen when I posted these.

These pics are from the old medievel town of Perigueux, near Sarlat in the heart of the Dordogne

not elaborate bongs - Chocolate.

If you ever go to France, take any opinion you've ever had of chocolate eclairs, discard it - and try one from any random boulangerie/patisserie. They are the absolute shit. Im serious. Im not a huge chocolate fan and have never liked eclairs that much, but in France when faced with the amazing choice displayedwindows such as these, I simply cannot help asking for an eclair. I swear Jesus is out the back baking them.

These pics are from the town of Bergerac

I know it looks like your average vegetable-things, but I assure you, they are the nicest, most flavoursome, most incredible veggies you have ever tasted in your life. Ever. In the history of man. The End.

One of three butchers in the same complex (6 stores in total)


Heather's Tip: Avoid the black ones.

Hmm.. where to find foie gras... can anybody point me in the direction of fois gras?...

Back home with our bags full including a lovely yellow chicken, Frenchie-style (ie. complete with all it's bits and pieces, including head - you know - the good stuff)

I pity the fool who disturbs Andy in his kitchen.

Bon Appetite!!


Beth said...

I am now starving...and crying...and craving France, wine and cheese. And strangely, Dave in his cockfighter vest....

Me said...

Oh my goodness, I got teary seeing the cute doggie at the butchers...my next trip to France is NOW in the Spring.....and I cannot wait!!!