Tuesday, July 08, 2008


OK. So I know that kids break things. It's all part of parenthood, right? My sister broke the television accidentally when a toddler, I broke her arm a few years later. Kids know not what they do. So i've always been prepared for Fred to wreck a few things, and that he has done. However today he broke my computer. And I almost cried. He pushed it off the table. It landed on the bit where the power cable connects to the computer, bent the attachment in half and when released little metal and blue plastic pieces showered out from the power cable socket. And looking at the way the computer is made, I'm pretty sure that whole chunks of the computer will need to be replaced in order to work again. Which probably means replacing the whole thing seeing as it will probably cost more than the 2-year old, not-particularly-expensive-in-the-first-place laptop is actually worth. ARGH. So I'm sitting on Dave's computer for 5 minutes to do this little entry, to warn y'all not to expect too much happening on here in the near future. My Internet time is going to be severely limited (maybe the scariest thought in the world, reduced only by the fact I'm facing childbirth in the next two weeks) depending on when I can get it fixed (at least 4 week turn around) or replaced (Christmas present if I play my cards right). BUT rest assured I promise to definitely post new baby pics as soon as I drag my bruised and battered body home from the hospital.

On the upside, as the problem with the computer is simply an inability to give it power, I had half an hour of battery time before it blinked shut. And in this time I madly raced to transfer all my photos from the computer hard drive to an external drive - something I achieved with one minute to spare and I am so so so so grateful for as I would probably still be crying down the phone to Dave, four hours later.

And on an aside - a positive one at that - my parents arrive early, early tomorrow morning, hopefully bringing with them the mobility and energy I lost months ago. Mmmm... being looked after by mum.... *bliss*


Anonymous said...

good luck with birthing child number 2 - you're a pro this time, it'll be a doddle!


Anonymous said...

oh I can't believe freddy at this crucial time!
now how are you going to blog in delivery room.
get dave to buy you new computer for birthing 2nd child present.
thinking of you everyday.
pop er' out early.
love ya