Wednesday, July 11, 2007


So a quick note to apologise fro the downturn in blog productivity. Since the 4th I have had a number of Canadians staying with me, something that does not look like abating till the 21st... when I head to France for a week. SO chances are that anything of substance will have to wait till August. But if you read any of the esteemed blogs to the right here (besides the wonderful blog of Georgia nad Pete) such a wait is a trifle.

The Canadians and their company is a little bit brilliant. Buffy remains as she ever was (kick ass and scary) and Patty and Graeme are brilliant blasts from a time which seems an eternity ago, and yet only a moment ago. Simply amazing, these people are amazing. I am so lucky.

Also - I know that I missed a 7 month update on Fred, but assure you that notes have been made and that the next one will not miss a beat.

So in the meantime, please read the words of Georgia and Pete, they (the words and people) are ace and they speak for me.


Anonymous said...

well I understand people visiting is tricking but I refuse to wait until August.

That will certainly drive me mad.

Please reconsider.

ps- you are certainly living the high life!! London, France... the world - here comes freddy and heather.


Mezzle said...

Well now, up until this eveing I would have agreed with you about the lack of blogging I have done. But, ah ahem, it's catchup time. So before you make further rude remarks about my spot, maybe you should log on. Put that in your pipe and smoke it missy.