Thursday, October 05, 2006

Some grapes. The roses are planted at the end of the rows, as was tradition hundreds of years ago in order to …. Umm…. Something about the soil, I think. Maybe sulphur in the soil? Not sure. There was so much coming from dad’s mouth it was hard to take it all in.

Dad’s expression looking very French. He is thinking ‘Bonjour!’ ‘Parlez vous anlais?’ ‘je voudrais un panne choccalate svp’

Scruffy Dog, pretty buildings

THe view from the hotel


Anonymous said...

Roses were and still are planted at the end of rows as an indication of aphid infestation. The problem is, if the roses show signs of infestation then the vines will invariably be infested too. To overcome this problem a soap and water solution can be made and sprayed onto the infected areas followed by a nice cup of tea with a dash of honey

Heather Anders said...

*golf applause swells*

*a random american spectator yells 'In the Hole!' as Booker begins his explanation*

Oh booker t! Is there anything you can't do!?!