Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Double Your Dan

In a nice little surprise, I had a comment waiting for me from Dan Toop this afternoon. Delightful.

Which, upon receipt, threw me into a bit of a confusion. In line with the weekend's Toilet Roll incident, the hormones pulsing to my brain refused to let me differentiate between who was Dan Toop and who was Dan Noone (note the double 'o' in both Dan's names people). To the point that when I noticed a photo of DT on his website, my brain quite literally went 'Oh Wow! Dan knows Dan! How cool is that!'

(note: it was not helped by the fact that now both Dan's have been known mention 'Lady Boys' on the odd occasion)

Anyway, at some point I figured out that it was possible that they did both not have the same name and were in fact different people and that I might be going a bit crazy. Which has bought me to my next dilemma. How to adjust my links list to accommodate two Dans. Last names are just not the done thing! And to call one Daniel and the other Dan helps no-one. Especially me. And Noonie and Toopy I find too funny to handle with a baby pushing down on my bladder. So unless someone can help me with a better way of putting it, I have settled on the rather mundane differentiation on the left.

(please dont read into the fact that this was probably my most perplexing problem of the day... the day is young.... there is a spanish onion and brown onion sitting at home just waiting for a debate)

On a rather different note, over the weekend my blog saw a number of changes, well - miniscule improvements. I have learnt how to launch new browser windows from links, I have added a photo to my profile and most interestingly I have rather narcissistically got meself a site meter. Which (for you thickies out there) basically counts how many people view my site. I have always been under the impression that maybe 4 or 5 people might look at this on a daily basis and maybe up to ten on a good day. So imagine my surprise when I discovered hat since i put it on, I have had a total of 31 (YES, a scrape your jaws off the ground thirty-one) people have had a look at the world according to heather . I dont even think I know that many people! Which means that it isn't as completely boring as Ben Seamark has been trying to convince me it is. No wonder Dan (Toopy)has written to me plugging his blog as he wisely tries to ride on my coat tails as I take on Google. Good idea.

Anyway, enough of all this. Read the London thing below. It is scary how many of them apply after only a year and a half of being here. As always - comments are adored and petted (even mentioned and added to my links list, hey Toopy)- and advise everyone you know to have a look at this site. Today, 31, tomorrow... 32.


Anonymous said...

Hi Heather I think I may have visited your site 29 times the other day because I am so blog obsessed. Lachy

Anonymous said...

I have 31 computers set up in my house and they were all viewing your blog simultaneously.

Anonymous said...

PS. I can't figure out how to add comments to Dan Toop's blog. Hello Dan! I am looking at your blog and giggling in my spare moments at work, but I want a two-way interaction street of communication. I guess I could have said that via email. Oops. Blogs are funner, especially yours Heather. (She paid me to say that, in pounds not dollars. Soon I will be rich.)

Anonymous said...

I reckon we can hijack this comment site and turn it into the kelly families very own blog zone....

PS I know for a fact that heather isn't pregnant....she stuffs bundles of jumpers under her top. I saw her doing it last time we met. Its an elaborate ruse to get free stuff.....

I am so blog obsessed that I managed to log onto Heather's blog with a used dog whistle tied to piece of grey cotton which i lassoed around an internet cafe to pick up their free wifi zone.....

Anonymous said...

Hello Laura!
I'm getting people to leave comments on Heather's Blog, its just easier :p

I actually paid several chinese labourers to linkjack heathers blog, muhahahahahar

ps.Heather, i had 8 people look at my site from your blog in 2 days... that is some freaky voodoo stuff.

Heather Anders said...

kieran - ummm. what free stuff am i getting? Oh. you MUST mean all those thousands of presents you have bought me but are yet to deliver.

Dear all - please feel free to use my blog for comments. As long as you are cranking up those site visit hits....