Wednesday, August 16, 2006

And then THAT day finally came....

In a week that has seen some pretty poor fortune: the reasons detailed in the entry below…. for the fact that Dave has organised it so that I will be attending antenatal courses all by myself (I am tempted to enter a “The Business: 2947362, Heather:0” here, but unfortunately I lost count of the business’s tally a long, long time ago).

So it was only fitting when in Monday’s mail arrived the one thing which could shine so bright it made all troubles that went before it invisible. Yes, after three long years, Christina Aguilera is back. And not a moment too soon.

(note: To slightly ruin the dramatics of the above statement, I probably should also mention the VERY exciting news that Amy (Dave’s sister) FINALLY gave birth to a little (well, 9lb) boy on Monday who [I believe] shall be known as Ned Footer, Brother of the More Famous Max [like my Barbara Trapiedo reference ? That’s for you Mez!])

(I’m having a slight panic attack. What if Ned is not the name they end up choosing? What if I am not meant to say that name as other people are not yet meant to know? Argh. I don’t want to annoy anyone. Perhaps I should delete it? Chances are they have decided this and everyone knows, BUT…. This running a blog business is a serious business.)& 
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No I can't believe it!!
Will have to check it out for myself... let you know the verdict.
