Monday, November 28, 2005

A Proper Update. Sort Of.

Well, its been a while since the last entry and im thinking that perhaps I should add something of a little more substance than normal. OK – im not talking about getting philosophical or anything (impossible for someone who wept the last and only time she saw Extreme Makeover: Home Edition) but im talking about adding more than a few lines apologising for not being more attentive to my blog in recent months.

But it had to happen. It started passionately - a day rarely went by without me writing something or an hour without me mentally composing and six months later it has become the white elephant of my daily internet sessions.

But the question is – am I using my time on the internet more wisely? Well, Yes and No. Today I finally succumbed to those insistent FriendsUnited emails and went back to the website that somehow I randomly joined a number of years ago…

ASIDE: the number of websites out there that have my hotmail address is astounding. I’m something of an email slut - Music. Books. Food. Clothing - Im not picky. I get daily ‘Words of Inspiration’ from some lonely mother of 4 in Idaho who has one of those really pink websites. I get a weekly ‘Wine Report’ updates that began due to some vague attempt to establish something in common with Dave, but then never got read. Hell – Oprah emails me every day. [But that is because I wanted her book club list because I wanted to do a closer study of the exact relationship between book sales and … this is a whole other blog]).

.. so I went back to FriendsUnited and dear god its funny. You get to see what a number of the people you went to school are currently doing. Which I admit is quite sad in a number of ways, but I’ve never been the king of cool, so that’s all good with me. Plus I had just read Ben Elton’s ‘Post Mortem’ (which I advise no-one else does). PLUS - and most honestly -the voyeur in me was interested. So if you have a moment, go and join I say. (drop the .au for anyone not in Oz). Maybe you will find it as funny as I did (all these people trying to be nonchalant about how successful they are…) and if nothing else it’s a pretty good way of finding out people’s emails you may have lost contact with. I will admit, I actually came across the name of a someone I had not seen for years and sent something off. Admittedly it was abuse, but funny abuse… Plus I updated my ‘what im doing’ now. Heh heh.

WELL. Are you all happy with this blog (Han Solo? Hmm?). Aren’t we getting some SUBSTANCE now?

Ummm.. Just re-read it - No would be the answer to that. So I better do something I bit more substance-y

My name is Heather Nicole Anders although I refrain from using my middle name in any document I have control over, so currently only my Passport and my Birth Certificate will give you that information… Well, AND any documents from my early years when I discovered BMX Bandits and I liked to pretend my name was Nicole. Further to that the name ‘Anders’ is apparently not the family’s biological name, with my father’s family changing it sometime in his teens (the 60s). From what, I only have suspicions, as the Roy (father) has only twice told me the true nature of it and both of us were somewhat tipsy at the time. However I am loathe to write my suspicions here for fear of being called more derogatory names than I have already incurred by slobbering over the FriendsUnited website.

I’m currently work for the London Underground as a Business Analyst but I’m yet to figure out what that actually entails, so lets just say sit at a computer. But the people I am working with are lovely and the coffee is good. I am 24 and my birthday is on April 6 and this Christmas I would like some boots because holy fck it is getting cold in London. I have one sister called Olivia and she once told me that ‘Olivia’ is her favourite name and that she wishes she could call her daughter Olivia also (freak.)

Dave is In India on route to Australia for a few weeks. He returns to London on Christmas eve, whereupon we will have Christmas at our place with 8 similarly displaced Australians (down from 18. Very happy about that). For new Year we are spending a week in Italy (Rome, Naples, Positano) with Rachel (My friend and Dave’s sister) and her husband Rich. In January the lovely Verity will join me for a few days. Excited an dquite nervouse about that. In February I’m going to go home to Adelaide for a week or so, on my way passing through Toronto to hopefully catch up with a number of people I have not seen for 6 years.

And that is it for now. Phew!

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