It has been too long between blogs, so much so that I doubt my large fan base continues to check it each day.
And just why is this Heather? Well, largely for the reasons I said in the blog below: I’m too busy, I can’t be bothered. I don’t like any of you enough.
These are all de-motivating factors.
Another influence on my inaction is… well… that nothing that interesting ever actually happens to me. This will surprise and shock a number of you that have placed me on that pedestal for so long, but really – when it comes down to it – what truly interesting things happen in the life of Heather?? Answer: Fuck all. I re-read this stuff and make myself slightly nauseas – I diss the confusion of London life, I moan about the smallest thing Dave does, I tell you exactly what I eat for dinner in a restaurant. I mean really - Does the world really need another blog filled with the self-indulgent musings of someone rather mediocre? WHY ARE YOU READING THIS???
Furthermore –looking back at the blog about the London bombs (which isn’t a hugely important story at all, but unusual in my life and therefore a cut above the rest) … well…im not too sure what to follow that with. It seems sort of cheap to follow something that in writing was like therapy to me - with heady tales of shopping on Oxford Street or some petty lament over an insignificant sentence Dave may have said (or more likely – may not have said). To write something quite serious and switch immediately to the frivolous detracts from the whole point, doesn’t it?
But I’m typing now as though I am some great conscience–driven writer with a and a delicate and well-thought out message to spread to the masses. Which we all know couldn’t be further from the truth. Writer - I am not, Conscience – it wanes here and there, Message – hell no. Right now I am writing as though it is important for each blog to be an improvement on the one before, for each to be a perfect fit with the next. But that is impossible – and downright boring! So rather than chase villains, seek danger or crusade for humanity in an attempt to top one unusual blog, I will revert to the same old, same old.
Which means being petty.
And what better place to start than Georgia’s blog.
Well. Well, well. Well, WELL, well, well.
A new bog on the block I see. One that has photos immediately. (insert sarcasm) How impressive.
Georgia and Pete muscling into my territory. Cant say im particularly surprised, what with the way Georgia has been mimicking me for years. First it was the clothes, then it was the hair, then came the ‘older boyfriend’. A blog?!? Didn’t bat an eyelid.
For those few people interested, it can be seen at: I would like to say that there was plenty of alcohol in the house, we just didn’t want to share it with them).