Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A picture of two men with reconstructed back-bones.

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Lachy's House. The home of Beer.

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Wonderful Accessorising.

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Fun at the Fringe.

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The Liffey. Liffie. Leffie.... River in Dublin (Georgia. Leave a comment/correction please.)

Olivia and Chaddley.

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Dave, Heather and the woman who spent an evening trying to come between them. As you can tell, this situation made me so happy.

Mr Man Manderson, reporting live from Amsterdam

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Dave and Luke play golf.

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More Lexi.

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Beer is Out. Wine is in: The new Aussie BBQ, Anders-Style

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Seriously Hot Sunnies.

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The Jamerson DistillEry.

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1/2 the Jamieson Family

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Dad does BBQ. Mum makes salad. Picture of an Aussie Sunday in Summer.

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Real men siton other men's laps. Kieran's Farewell for Oz: Before things went downhill.

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You can never have enough phots of Red on a blog. Ever.

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Jo and Matt's Beautiful Wedding

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Kodak Moment.

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Amsterdam: The coldest city in the world.

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Eleanor tries to be cool for the camera.

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Charlie's Biggest Smile

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Heather eats Irish Stew in Ireland...

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Monday, March 27, 2006

The best thing I have done this year...

About ten minutes ago i did something that made me so happy, that when I old Dave about it, tears welled up in my eyes and my voice shook with emotion. He did not share my passion as to the exact event but was really positive and happy for me and stated that he couldnt wait to be by my side.

Through sheer luck, events have unfolded that make me believe (even more than I already do) that I either have incredible magical powers or that I am a God. Either way, i'm pretty incredible.

WHAT IS IT? you demand

Well, yesterday I had a thought about a particular female singer who I am particularly fond of. And I thought - hell, she's had an album out in the last 6 months, maybe she is touring. She is one of those few artists who, on the release of a new album, I make a special effort for by putting it in my diary and making sure that within the week I am listening to and learning it. One of those people who I have included in the ten artists in all of history to play at my post-death, benefit concert. The lady that Mez and I, in a beer-fuelled Exeter conversation, declared we world fly anywhere in Australia, anywhere in the world, to go an see. Because this lady has not toured outside the since 1998.

So in a series of freak accident I have found myself the holder of.....
two tickets: Front Row, Centre of the balcony:
concert title: An intimite Evening with Fiona Apple

So Mez, if you can make it here for April 11, I will hold true to our pact.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Joys of Spring

Last night when I left the office at about 6.30 in the evening, I happened across something that put a little jump in my step. It was still light outside.

Its, a simple thing, yes. And one that I never thought I would appreciate fully as so little of what I do is determined by the brightness of the outside world.

But for the longest time - in my estimation since November - it has been dark when I leave the building to go home. During December it I would see it turn dark at 4pm from my office window. It all seemed so depressing. Now I realise that when people talk of London's miserable winter, they are not necessarily talking of the cold (cos really - it's not that bad - I'd take this weather over Adelaide's miserable, constant rain any day), but rather of the fact that there was no sunshine, no daylight and everything becomes so very, very, hopelessly dreary.

(with the exception of Oxford street on the week before Christmas which could be the happiest place on earth)

So there it is: Simple: More daylight makes me happier.

Plus there are daffodils in my formerly icy garden, and they are in my top 5 flowers (cos we all have top 5 flower lists).

Dave is off to the football tonight (Chelsea v Newcastle FA Cup 1/4 Final) and then heads to Turkey at 5am tomorrow morning to do something. I'm not sure what, but I assume it is work-related. Better not be whores again.

Heather is off to Dublin this coming weekend to stay with Georgia and Pete. The three of us have entry tickets to the Guinness factory and Pete suggests that we get there at 9.30am to make the most of it. Which sounds like an excellent idea.

I'm trying to Plan a 10 day trip that me and my sister (liv) will be doing in June and I thought it would be really good if I could get some ideas or suggestions or memories from any of you who have visited those places - (email: heatheranders@hotmail.com ) The plan is to take the train from London to Paris (2 nights in Paris) then from Paris to Munich (2 nights in Munich including the Brazil v Aus World Cup match). Then fly from Munich to the Greek Islands. It would be really good to get some feedback on which islands we should go to (even spread of party and relaxation I think)


Friday, March 17, 2006

Things I Love About London #23

Every morning and every evening of every workday I spend an hour in total on the London Underground, in busy carriages, slowly making my way to and from work. In the year I have been doing this, I have never seen the same person twice.


It has become apparent that a few corrections need to be made to my previous 'Ramblings' post where I singled out all the loyal readers of this website.

Firstly, my mum does read the website every week (why not daily?) and it was unfair to single her out as a member of Suckland. It is far more appropriate to put my dad on that list, as he is of the 'School of Mez' - barely able to turn a computer on (apparently this has imporoved in recent years, but I prefer to remember the confused, angry computer-user of a few years back). Mum did however, mention that she struggles to get very far in each of my posts, as the spelling is so bad....

Secondly - I left 'Han Solo' off the list of loyal wesite viewers and this was wrong. I dont think anyone has put more comments on this site than them. However - I am somewhat confused by who, or what, Han Solo is. I suspect that most times it is my Canadian friend Patty, but the fact remains that my other Canuk friend Graeme, co-hosts the Han Solo site, so it could be him. So I wasn't exactly sure which name to add to the list, (see me wriggle my way out of this one)....and then my head exploded.

Anyhoo... that is pretty much all. For now. Im going to go mad on the photos this weekend and hopefully put another bunch on. You never know.... it could be you.....
