Monday, March 27, 2006

The best thing I have done this year...

About ten minutes ago i did something that made me so happy, that when I old Dave about it, tears welled up in my eyes and my voice shook with emotion. He did not share my passion as to the exact event but was really positive and happy for me and stated that he couldnt wait to be by my side.

Through sheer luck, events have unfolded that make me believe (even more than I already do) that I either have incredible magical powers or that I am a God. Either way, i'm pretty incredible.

WHAT IS IT? you demand

Well, yesterday I had a thought about a particular female singer who I am particularly fond of. And I thought - hell, she's had an album out in the last 6 months, maybe she is touring. She is one of those few artists who, on the release of a new album, I make a special effort for by putting it in my diary and making sure that within the week I am listening to and learning it. One of those people who I have included in the ten artists in all of history to play at my post-death, benefit concert. The lady that Mez and I, in a beer-fuelled Exeter conversation, declared we world fly anywhere in Australia, anywhere in the world, to go an see. Because this lady has not toured outside the since 1998.

So in a series of freak accident I have found myself the holder of.....
two tickets: Front Row, Centre of the balcony:
concert title: An intimite Evening with Fiona Apple

So Mez, if you can make it here for April 11, I will hold true to our pact.

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