Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pirate Ship was the highlight.

can i just say that the Royal Show was the most fun I have had in a long long time. Currently my time with Fred seems to be a lot of talking about cars and threatening time out if he throws another golf club into the pool. So a day out doing FUN things was so precious.

Leaving the Rock with his Aunty Livvy for a few hours, the Adeliade winter delivered a day to rival any day from London's summer last year. Fred had no comprehension of where we were going, having never been to anything like it, and amiss was the constant badgering for 10 showbags and 20 rides which are inevitible for any parent.  Lots of animals, bit of wood-chopping, one showbag and 2 rides and it was pretty much Fred's best day ever.  Almost 2 weeks on he is still asking to go back there. 

(have had some problems putting comments under the pics - plan to do when blogger stops being a WANKER, and will erase this if i do)

do not ask this kid to smile for the camera. it is painfully cute.


touching a snake. not sure i would have done that.

fred's idea of heaven on earth.

fred is seriously talented at this sort of thing. nowhere is her happier or more at home than RIDING something. He did laps round the other kid.

offering fred the hold of this little feather was somewhat precarious. all he wanted to do was pinch it. understandable really.


Mezzle said...

Fred kid had a better time at the show than I've ever had. Mainly because I'm disgusted by fat parents with their fats kids blocking my way with their 50 showbags in the stroller shit.

Adorable Heather, just beautiful!

Beth said...

...what the eff is a showbag?

Looks like it was such a special day! Freddie having a fun day Mum & Day with no little brother to bug him. Amazing.

Wish I could have been there!!


Anonymous said...

fantastic day.
looks like dave had an awesome time too.
almost inspires me to give it a go next year ???!!!

Anonymous said...

fantastic day.
looks like dave had an awesome time too.
almost inspires me to give it a go next year ???!!!

Anonymous said...

Too cute... little Freddools XXXX