Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Things Fred Coutts Ligertwood is NOT to be trusted with:

(sans supervision )

- crayons
- pencils
- anything else that could possibly be used to draw with – like almonds. (seriously)
- his brother
- anything with glass in it
- potentially sharp things, e.g. coathangers
- valuable things, like the camera.
- the first 10cm from the edge of all counters
- water (it travels)
- potentially carpet-staining food (it travels)
- walking by himself in public (does not heal)
- low-lying cupboards and their contents
- door handles (door knobs are ok)
- things with buttons that do exciting things like dvd players and televisions
- artwork that can be reached by climbing
- cans
- being in the same room as an open laptop
- did I mention crayons?

the result of me changing Rocco's nappy and leaving his crayons too close to the edge of the counter. Seriously. Though i must applaud his theory that if he did it under the table, I would be none the wiser. I like the way you think, kiddo.


resultant tantrum from crayon confiscation


Anonymous said...

you cheeky little thing!

looks very funny though.


Beth said...

I think I would pay money for this art.


That's my buddy.

Anonymous said...

oh my!

that is a serious breach of EVERYTHING.

closest we have got to that is a few crayon marks on a wall 2 days after painting it.

good, confident colours there though