Sunday, December 17, 2006

Silent Blog, Holy Blog

Well, running two blogs whilst looking after a newborn might be a little bit more than I can chew. Add in the fact that I’m meant to be reading Booker Prize winners (though technically not due to kick off till next year), I think I have definitely taken a rather large mouthful. Oh well. See how we go.

Apologies for the lack of posts on this site, but it is a combination of not having a proper 5 mins to myself coupled with…. nothing to say really. I could prattle on about how much hard work this past week has been, but do you really want to hear this? I suspect it will be slightly boring/familiar reflections from a new mum – which is why I have tried to refrain from saying anything at all. But I’m personally finding the silence harder to bear, so perhaps I’ve decided something is better than nothing but I will try to keep it as brief as possible.

At the moment I am stuck on a perpetual wheel of breastfeeding, nappies and ‘entertaining’. And if there is five minutes to myself I use it to wash, feed myself, do washing/dishes – unfortunately writing a blog is pretty far down on the list.. Its all a bit consuming at the moment, Fred is very demanding, but we are learning and he is simply the loveliest thing ever. Despite being pretty drained, Dave and I often catch ourselves marveling at how utterly amazing he is. Last Thursday he had his first official outing (besides a coffee and trip to the supermarket earlier in the week) to celebrate his one week on this Earth, when we took him to the Garrison (a pub) on Bermondsey street where athletes1 (dave’s company) was having their Christmas Lunch. For the couple of hours we stayed there, he was a model baby, sleeping the whole time, allowing everyone a cuddle. If only that was what I had every day at home!! To be by myself, without reprieve for ten hours a day, (sometimes much longer – like on Wednesday when Dave went to see Newcastle v Chelsea and then to the pub – not home till 12.30am tsk! Tsk!) with literally no-one else to ‘hold the baby’ for five minutes is something I am getting used to. Some days are really good, a lot of the time it is frustrating how very little I find myself achieving on a day to day basis. Getting the washing done is a high achievement. But I know this is normal, normal and all I need to do is be a bit easier on myself. And we are only one week into the whole experience. (So a personality shift is required. Argh.)

In summary: I am well, Dave is well, Fred is brilliant, and yet a tough ruler. We are slowly getting there. Blog suffering... but slowly getting there.


Anonymous said...

I love ya.

I think you are doing a great job.

I wish I was there to cuddle and then you could have a little nap.

I am glad you have written something. You make me laugh.

x o x

Anonymous said...

Go girl go, you are amazing and the fact that you even get a blog done in the midst of this all is incredible. Once we get Fred a little suit with moppy things on the hands and feet he can help around the house a bit more. oxo

Anonymous said...

You are doing a brilliant job heather .. love fred's little blog - he is such a cutie and very lucky to have you as his mum.

Keep up the good work - baby brain, i am told is totally normal (ie forgetting to pay at restaurants, using noises instead of real words etc etc).

Enjoy first Xmas with bub!!

love al&al

Anonymous said...

ok enough niceties.

yes i know you have baby but could you please put more on here...

not coping with lack of...


Anonymous said...

also not coping with lack of comments on our blog.

It is empty without you...
